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Browse Projects

This section provides access to Research Infrastructures that have been funded by the European Commission through Horizon 2020 and 7th Framework Programme for Research. Browse the projects per scientific domain, type of project, and/ or Coordinator’s country.

FP7 340
H2020 134

Acronym Title Dates Project URL Funding Progr.
AMICI Accelerator and Magnet Infrastructure for Cooperation and Innovation 2017/01/01 - 2019/06/30 H2020
AQUAEXCEL2020 AQUAculture infrastructures for EXCELlence in European fish research towards 2020 2015/10/01 - 2020/09/30 http://www.aquaexcel.eu/index.php/aquaexcel2020 H2020
ARISE2 Atmospheric dynamics Research InfraStructure in Europe 2015/09/01 - 2018/08/31 http://arise-project.eu H2020
CLONETS CLOck NETwork Services: Strategy and innovation for clock services over optical-fibre networks 2017/01/01 - 2019/06/30 H2020
COPAL COmmunity heavy-PAyload Long endurance Instrumented Aircraft for Tropospheric Research in Environmental and Geo-Sciences 2007/11/01 - 2011/10/31 http://www.eufar.net/copal FP7
CRISP Cluster of Research Infrastructures for Synergies in Physics 2011/10/01 - 2014/09/30 http://www.esrf.eu FP7
D4Science Distributed Collaboratories Infrastructure on Grid Enabled Technology 4 Science 2007/12/31 - 2009/12/31 http://www.d4science.eu FP7
D4Science-II Data Infrastructure Ecosystem for Science 2009/09/30 - 2011/09/30 http://www.d4science.eu FP7
DESIR DARIAH ERIC Sustainability Refined 2017/01/01 - 2019/12/31 H2020
e-ROSA Towards an e-infrastructure Roadmap for Open Science in Agriculture 2017/01/01 - 2018/06/30 H2020
EESI European Exascale Software Initiative - 2010/2011 2010/05/30 - 2011/11/30 http://www.eesi-project.eu FP7
EESI2 European Exascale Software Initiative 2Towards exascale roadmap implementation 2012/09/01 - 2015/02/28 http://www.eesi-project.eu/ FP7
EI-AFRICA Organisation of an e-Infrastructures Summit in sub-Saharan Africa 2009/10/01 - 2011/03/30 http://www.ei-africa.eu FP7
EI4AFRICA Teaming-up for exploiting e-Infrastructures’ potential to boost RTDI in Africa 2012/11/01 - 2014/10/31 http://ei4africa.eu FP7
EMBRIC European Marine Biological Research Infrastructure Cluster to promote the Blue Bioeconomy 2015/06/01 - 2019/05/31 www.embric.eu/ H2020
ENSAR European Nuclear Science and Applications Research 2010/09/01 - 2014/08/31 http://www.ensarfp7.eu FP7
ENSAR2 European Nuclear Science and Application Research 2 http://www.ensarfp7.eu/ H2020
EoCoE Energy oriented Centre of Excellence for computer applications 2015/10/01 - 2018/09/30 http://www.eocoe.eu/ H2020
ERICON-AB The European Polar Research Icebreaker Consortium AURORA BOREALIS 2008/03/01 - 2012/02/29 http://www.eri-aurora-borealis.eu FP7
ERINHA2 European Research Infrastructure on Highly Pathogenic Agents 2 2016/01/01 - 2017/06/30 http://www.erinha.eu/ H2020
ESRFUP ESRF UPGRADE 2007/10/15 - 2011/10/14 http://www.esrf.eu FP7
EUFAR European Facility for Airborne Research in Environmental and Geoscience 2008/10/01 - 2012/09/30 http://www.eufar.net FP7
EUFAR2 European Facility for Airborne Research in Environmental and Geo-sciences 2014/02/01 - 2018/01/31 http://www.eufar.net/ FP7
EUNCL European Nanomedicine Characterization Laboratory 2015/05/01 - 2019/04/30 http://www.euncl.eu/ H2020
EURO ARGO Global Ocean Observing Infrastructure 2008/01/01 - 2011/06/30 http://www.euro-argo.eu FP7
EUROCHAMP-2020 Integration of European Simulation Chambers for Investigating Atmospheric Processes – Towards 2020 and beyond 2016/12/01 - 2020/11/30 H2020
EUROFLEETS Towards an Alliance of European Research Fleets 2009/09/01 - 2013/08/31 http://www.eurofleets.eu FP7
EUROFLEETS2 New operational steps towards an alliance of European research fleets 2013/03/01 - 2017/02/28 http://www.eurofleets.eu/ FP7
EVAg European Virus Archive goes global 2015/04/01 - 2019/03/31 http://www.european-virus-archive.com/ H2020
EVER-EST European Virtual Environment for Research - Earth Science Themes 2015/10/01 - 2018/09/30 http://www.ever-est.eu/ H2020
GENESI-DEC Ground European Network for Earth Science Interoperations - Digital Earth Community 2010/04/30 - 2012/04/30 http://www.genesi-dec.eu FP7
GENESI-DR Ground European Network for Earth Science Interoperations Digital Repositories 2007/12/30 - 2010/04/30 http://www.genesi-dr.eu FP7
GROOM Gliders for Research, Ocean Observation and Management 2014/12/31 - 2011/10/01 http://www.upmc.fr FP7
HaS-DARIAH Humanities at Scale: Evolving the DARIAH-ERIC 2015/09/01 - 2017/08/31 http://has.dariah.eu/ H2020
HIRMEOS High Integration of Research Monographs in the European Open Science infrastructure 2017/01/01 - 2019/06/30 H2020
ICAN International Coherent Amplification Network 2012/01/16 - 2013/07/15 http://www.izest.polytechnique.edu/izest-home/ican/ican-94447.kjsp FP7
ICARE-2010 International Conference on Airborne Research for the Environment 2010/01/01 - 2010/11/30 http://www.eufar.net/icareEN FP7
IDEAAL International Development of gAnil-spirAL2 2017/01/01 - 2019/12/31 H2020
iMarine Data e-Infrastructure Initiative for Fisheries Management and Conservation of Marine Living Resources 2011/10/30 - 2014/04/30 http://www.i-marine.eu FP7
JERICO Towards a Joint European Research Infrastructure Network for Coastal Observatories 2011/05/01 - 2015/04/30 http://www.jerico-fp7.eu FP7
JERICO-NEXT Joint European Research Infrastructure network for Coastal Observatory – Novel European eXpertise for coastal observaTories 2015/09/01 - 2019/08/31 http://www.jerico-ri.eu/ H2020
MERIL Mapping of European Research Infrastructure Landscape 2010/10/01 - 2012/09/30 https://portal.meril.eu FP7
OPEN SESAME Opening Synchrotron Light for Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East 2017/01/01 - 2019/12/31 H2020
OpenDreamKit Open Digital Research Environment Toolkit for the Advancement of Mathematics 2015/09/01 - 2019/08/31 http://opendreamkit.org/ H2020
OPERAS-D Design for Open access Publications in European Research Areas for Social Sciences and Humanities 2017/01/01 - 2018/06/30 H2020
PedCRIN Paediatric Clinical Research Infrastructure Network 2017/01/01 - 2020/12/31 H2020
RISIS Research infrastructure for research and innovation policy studies 2014/01/01 - 2017/12/31 http://risis.eu/ FP7
SCIDIP-ES Science Data Infrastructure for Preservation – Earth Science 2011/08/31 - 2014/08/31 http://www.alliancepermanentaccess.org/current-projects/scidip-es/ FP7
SeaDataCloud SeaDataCloud - Further developing the pan-European infrastructure for marine and ocean data management 2016/11/01 - 2020/10/31 H2020
SEADATANET II SeaDataNet II: Pan-European infrastructure for ocean and marine data management 2011/10/01 - 2015/09/30 http://www.seadatanet.org FP7
SIDERI Strengthening International Dimension of Euro-Argo Research Infrastructure 2011/12/01 - 2013/11/30 http://wwz.ifremer.fr/institut FP7
SINE2020 World class Science and Innovation with Neutrons in Europe 2020 – SINE2020 2015/10/01 - 2019/09/30 http://www.sine2020.eu/ H2020
SPIRAL2PP SPIRAL2 PREPARATORY PHASE 2007/11/01 - 2012/03/31 http://www.spiral2pp.eu FP7
TANDEM TransAfrican Network Development 2015/05/01 - 2017/04/30 http://tandem-wacren.eu H2020
VISIONAIR Vision Advanced Infrastructure for Research 2011/02/01 - 2015/01/31 http://www.infra-visionair.eu FP7
VRE4EIC A Europe-wide Interoperable Virtual Research Environment to Empower Multidisciplinary Research Communities and Accelerate Innovation and Collaboration 2015/10/01 - 2018/09/30 http://www.vre4eic.eu/ H2020