
Grant Agreement Number 211549
Funding Programmes FP7
Dates 15/10/2007 - 14/10/2011
Project URL
Scientific Domain Material Sciences and Analytical Facilities
Action Line Preparatory phase
Type Of Project CP-CSA-INFRA
Abstract The European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF), supported by 18 European countries, is a storage ring based X-ray source, which provides the research user community with world-class experimental stations, exploiting the unique properties of synchrotron radiation for research in a large variety of fields. In order to maintain its leading role and to respond to the emerging scientific challenges, the ESRF is envisaging an ambitious Upgrade Programme, comprising - the extension of the experimental hall to enable the construction of new and upgraded beamlines with largely improved performance and new scientific opportunities, as well as improved infrastructures for the preparation of experiments, - a programme of improvements of the accelerator complex, and - the development of productive science and technology driven partnerships. The most ambitious project in this context is the creation of a European high magnetic field laboratory on the common ESRF/ILL site. The objectives of the proposal are to prepare the implementation of this Upgrade Programme. Key activities shall be centred around the discussion and definition of the individual scientific and technological projects, as well as the examination of the consequences on the local site infrastructure in terms of access, buildings and environment.
(Organisation name and Country)