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European Commission

Name European Commission
PIC Numbers 998908717
Author Institution of DERRI: Distributed Energy Resources Research Infrastructure
ESWIRP: European Strategic Wind tunnels Improved Research Potential
EUMINAfab: Integrating European Research Infrastructures for Micro-nano Fabrication of Functional Structures and Devices out of a Knowledge-based Multimaterials Repertoire
SERIES: Seismic Engineering Research Infrastructures for European Synergies
SFERA: Solar Facilities for the European Research Area
EUFAR: European Facility for Airborne Research in Environmental and Geo-sciences
EUROCHAMP2: Integration of European Simulation Chambers for Investigating Atmospheric Processes
EUROFLEETS: towards an alliance of European research fleets
INCREASE: An Integrated Network on Climate Research Activities on Shrubland Ecosystems
IS-ENES: Infrastructure for the European Network for Earth System Modelling
MESOAQUA: Network of leading MESOcosm facilities to advance the studies of future AQUAtic ecosystems from the Arctic to the Mediterranean
SYNTHESYS: Synthesis of Systematic Resources
UP-GRADE BS-SCENE: Up-Grade Black Sea Scientific Network
ASSEMBLE: Association of European Marine Biological Laboratories
East-NMR: Enhancing Access and Services to East European users towards an efficient and coordinated Pan-European pool of NMR capacities to enable global collaborative research & boost technological advancements
EMbaRC: European Consortium of Microbial Resource Centres
EMMAservice: European Mouse Mutant Archive service
EVA: European Virus Archive
INFRAVEC: Research Capacity for the Implementation of Genetic Control of Mosquitoes
NADIR: The European Network for Animal Disease and Infectiology Research Facilities
PCUBE: Infrastructure for Protein Production Platforms
SLING: Serving Life-science Information for the Next Generation
TRANSVAC: European Network of Vaccine Research and Development
ULICE: Union of Light-Ion Centres in Europe
ELISA: European Light Sources Activities – Synchrotrons and Free Electron Lasers
EuroMagNET II: A Coordinated Approach to Access, Experimental Development and Scientific Exploitation of all European Large Infrastructures for High Magnetic Fields
LASERLAB-EUROPE: Integrated European Laser Laboratories
MICROKELVIN: European Microkelvin Collaboration
NMI3: Integrated Infrastructure Initiative for Neutron Scattering and Muon Spectroscopy
SPIRIT: Support of public and industrial research using ion beam technology
HPC-Europa2: Pan-European Research Infrastructure on High Performance Computing for 21st century Science
EUCARD: European Coordination for Accelerator Research and Development
EUROPLANET RI: European Planetology Network Research Infrastructure
HadronPhysics2: Study of Strongly Interacting Matter
OPTICON: Optical Infrared Coordination Network for Astronomy
RadioNet FP7: Advanced Radio Astronomy in Europe
CHARISMA: Cultural Heritage Advanced Research Infrastructures: Synergy for a Multidisciplinary Approach to Conservation/Restoration
SHARE-LEAP: Longitudinal Enhancement and Access Improvement of the SHARE Infrastructure
Research infrastructures projets: Call 2 factsheet
Research infrastructures projets - Call 5 factsheet
EPSS: Electronic Proposal Submission System
(Re) Integrating Ethics into SSH Research: an EC Perspective
First FP7 Monitoring Report
A more research-intensive and integrated European Research Area Science, Technology and Competitiveness: key figures report 2008/2009
Research Infrastructures WP 2010 - orientations for e-Infrastructure -
INFRA-2009-1.2.3: Scientific Information Repository supporting FP7
INFRA-2009-3.1: ERA-NET supporting cooperation for research infrastructures in all S&T fields
External Monitoring of the Fourth Call CAPACITIES Programme (e-Infrastructures)
The European e-Infrastructure in FP7
INFRA-2009-3.3: Studies, conferences and coordination actions supporting policy development in the context of international cooperation for e-Infrastructures
The FP7 National Contact Points
Role of NCPs?
Regions of Knowledge and Research Potential
e-Infrastructure enhancing scientific collaborations, bringing regions closer
Utilising the full Potential of Research Infrastructures for Strenthening the ERA
Overview of the Research Infrastructures Call 7 (FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES-2010-2)
Utilizing the full Potential of Research Infrastructures for Strengthening the ERA
The Transnational Access Activities within the Community Framework Programmes
Research Infrastructures in the 6th Framework Programme: Evaluation of pertinence and impact (synthesis report)
European Research Infrastructures (for SSH) during and after FP7
Possible funding from Regional Policy for Research Infrastructures (RIs), today and tomorrow
BRISK: European Research Infrastructure for Thermochemical Biomass Conversion
DERRI: Distributed Energy Resources Research Infrastructure
Research Infrastructures in Horizon 2020
e-Infrastructure projects in Africa
Impact and metrics
The European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures: some current issues and actions
The role of ESFRI and the perspectives for the next Roadmap update
Horizon 2020 Overview
ICT Statistical Report for Annual Monitoring 2011
Research Infrastructures in Horizon 2020
European Structural and Investment Funds: How can research infrastructures support the implementation of smart specialisation strategies?
Extreme Light Infrastructure - Nuclear Physics (ELI-NP)
Research Infrastructures
Developing Research Infrastructures for 2020 and beyond
Research Infrastructures in Horizon 2020
Research Infrastructures and the European Research Area
Research Infrastructures in Horizon 2020
The European Cloud Initiative and the e-Infrastructures part of Horizon 2020
Objectives and Opportunities of the InnovFin Programme (for Research Infrastructures)
Smart Specialisation Strategies: Charting out European Structural and Investment Funds I nvestments in Research and Innovatio
The Investment Plan for Europe: European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI)
Research Infrastructures in the 2016-2017 Work Programme
Research infrastructures-WP 2016-2017: Two-stage submission
Access to RI under Horizon2020
Research e-Infrastructures Excellence in Science Work Programme 2016-17
ESFRI Strategy Report on Research Infrastructures