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Title European Strategic Wind tunnels Improved Research Potential
Grant Agreement Number 227816
Funding Programmes FP7
Dates 01/10/2009 - 30/09/2013
Project URL http://www.eswirp.eu
Scientific Domain Physical Sciences and Engineering
Activity Integrating activities
Action Line Integrated Activity
Transnational Access Yes
Type Of Project CP-CSA-INFRA
Abstract The proposed project ESWIRP aims at enhancing the complementary research potential and service capabilities of three strategic wind tunnels in Europe both in terms of productivity and quality. The concerned wind tunnels are ONERA S1MA Modane, DNW-LLF and ETW. The main ideas leading to the proposal have been: * the identification at European level by the aeronautical community (ACARE) of the strategic wind tunnels for Europe needed to maintain and enhance the leadership of European aerospace industry and science * the EREA recommendation that the reduction of emissions, noise and fuel consumption by aviation requires the contribution of these infrastructures * the recognition that efforts have to be made at community level, in a targeted and coordinated way, to further integrate these strategic wind tunnels at a world class level The ESWIRP project is fully responsive to the objectives of the Capacities Research Infrastructures Programme. It will enhance research and innovation capacities throughout Europe and contribute to ensuring their optimal use. The activities planned under this project aim at optimizing the utilization of the three strategic wind tunnels and improving their performance by new long-term investments for the benefit of scientists and customer industries. ESWIRP responds to the so-called targeted approach of the Integrating Activities of the FP7 Capacities Work Programme: Infrastructures following the FP6 I3 model: * Networking activities * Trans-national access and/or service activities * Joint research activities. A Joint Management Board will be established by the three facilities for coordination of all ESWIRP activities and consolidation of integrating objectives.
(Organisation name and Country)
TA Call European Strategic Wind tunnels Improved Research Potential