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Title Preparing for the construction of the European Extremely Large Telescope
Grant Agreement Number 211257
Funding Programmes FP7
Dates 01/01/2008 - 30/06/2010
Project URL http://www.eso.org
Scientific Domain Physical Sciences and Engineering
Action Line Preparatory phase
Type Of Project CP-CSA-INFRA
Abstract In the last 5 years the Science Case for a European Extremely Large Telescope, has been established by the European astronomical community. In 2010 the E-ELT Project shall be ready for decision to build, with in particular a detailed scientific Design Reference Mission, a secured site, reliable expected performance, cost and timeline, analysis of the project risks and associated mitigation plans and a confirmed funding scheme. There are a number of transnational activities which are suited for this Preparatory phase. Besides E-ELT Prep Management, there are: International Cooperation aim is to find external partners for the E-ELT development. Industrial Links will strengthen the links with the industrial partners and establish policies on connected issues, e.g. development standards, public relation and knowledge transfer. Design Reference Mission objective is to develop a comprehensive set of observing proposals, in particular to maintain the alignment of the E-ELT Project with its community scientific aspirations and explore its synergies with other large astronomical facilities. Science Access Strategy will define the strategy and requirements for the Telescope Operation and for data access by its Users in order to maximize the Facility scientific impact.