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Browse Organisations

This section provides information about the organisations that are involved in Research Infrastructures (e.g. beneficiaries of H2020/FP7 projects, representatives in NCP, PC, ESFRI, e-IRG bodies, stakeholders involved in policy papers/roadmaps). The information is update in regular basis.

BES 330
GOV 861
HES 557
PNP 129

Title Url
e-IRG (e-Infrastructures Reflection Group) www.e-irg.eu
EIROforum www.eiroforum.org
ESFRI: European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures ec.europa.eu/research/infrastructures/index_en.cfm?pg=esfri
European association of national Research Facilities laboratories (ERF) www.europeanresearchfacilities.eu
European Commission, Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy ec.europa.eu/dgs/regional_policy/index_en.htm
European Commission, Directorate General for Research and Innovation ec.europa.eu/research/index.cfm?pg=dg
European Commission: DG for Communications Networks, Content and Technology ec.europa.eu/dgs/connect
European Investment Bank (EIB) http://www.eib.org/
European Research Council erc.europa.eu
Research Infrastructures - Directorate General for Research & Innovation ec.europa.eu/research