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Research Infrastructure

Centre for BioNano Interactions

Description The Centre for BioNano Interactions (CBNI) is the Irish National Platform for BioNano Interactions. CBNI possesses a truly global ambition, addressing key issues in the safe application of Nanoscience in all aspects of industry, as well as offering new approaches to therapies for intractable diseases. CBNI is founded on the pursuit of scientific excellence in understanding how these new small entities interact with living systems. Understanding these interactions is fundamental to future developments in nanomedicine, nanodiagnostics, nanotherapeutics, as well as the safe and responsible application of nanotechnology in to IT, food, water purification and other industries. As such, the issues are important not just in scientific research and to industry, but to society at large. Excellence combined with attention to detail informs every technical and scientific aspect of our efforts. A high standard of integrity, which is appreciated by all stakeholders, from researchers, industry, organisers, NGOs and the public, has led to CBNI securing coordination of the EU Research Infrastructure for Nanosafety Assessment, QNano (www.qnano-ri.eu). CBNI seeks to lead in the fields of nanosafety and nanomedicine, through excellence in research, and to set standards of excellence for invention, and innovation in how these particles can be applied to the advantage of human health in future. The CBNI mission statement is trust, integrity and excellence at every level.
URL http://www.ucd.ie/cbni
Status Operational since 2008
Information Source From Stretegic Research Director
Scientific Domains Environmental Sciences
Biological and Medical Sciences
Material Sciences and Analytical Facilities
Physical Sciences and Engineering
RI Categorization Reference material repositories
Location Stillorgan Road, 4, Co. Dublin, Ireland
MERIL URL http://portal.meril.eu/meril/view/facilitys/15073