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Research Infrastructure

Centre for Agricultural Research Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Phytotron

Description The Crop Production Experimental System Group Research Infrastructure (RI) consists of a complex (conventional and molecular) research programme for the breeding of cereals and maize. The members are: MTA ATK Phytotron, MTA ATK Crop Production Field Experimental System, MTA ATK Plant Molecular, Stress Biology Laboratory, MTA ATK Plant Stress Resistance Research Infrastructure and Genetic Stocks, MTA ATK Field and Laboratory Complex Plant Breeding System. The Phytotron will carry out precision plant growth experiments in an artificial environment for the other RI members. The Crop Production Field Experimental System will carry out long-term, small-plot field experiments on genetic material developed by the Field Plant Breeding System and the Plant Stress Resistance RI members. The Plant Molecular, Stress Biology Laboratory will analyse the adaptability of the cereals to diverse environments at the molecular level, and the Plant Stress Resistance RI both at the molecular level and in greenhouse experiments. The analytical results will be utilised by the Field Plant Breeding System.
URL http://www.agrar.mta.hu/start.php?lang=en
Status Operational since 1949
Scientific Domains Environmental Sciences
Biological and Medical Sciences
RI Categorization Pilot Plants for Process Testing
Location Brunszvik utca 2., Martonvásár, 2462, Hungary
MERIL URL http://portal.meril.eu/meril/view/facilitys/15161