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Research Infrastructure

Center of Semiconductor Technology

Description The Center of Semiconductor Technology will be a follow-up of the recent joint agreement of the Lithuanian researchers working in different institutions in the field of semiconductor science and technology to establish a semiconductor technology center in the framework of the major national program for the Sauletekis Valley. This center will meet the needs of these researchers for facilities necessary to purposefully fabricate samples for their research and to develop device prototypes for specific applications. This infrastructure would be useful for high-tech companies in Lithuania and, increasingly in time, abroad for developing their products, but it is mainly directed to facilitate implementation of scientific ideas to products by creating a technological base for researchers to develop their prospective ideas into a functional device prototypes serving as a base for establishment of spin-offs to produce commercial products.
URL http://www.ptc.ff.vu.lt/
Status Operational since 2015
Under construction (2012 - 2014)
Scientific Domains Material Sciences and Analytical Facilities
Physical Sciences and Engineering
RI Categorization Research Facilities
Location Sauletekio al. 15, Vilnius, LT-10222, Lithuania
MERIL URL http://portal.meril.eu/meril/view/facilitys/15211