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Research Infrastructure

Great Maritime Engineering Tank of Cantabria

Description This RI is an ICTS (Unique Scientific and Technological Infrastructure), included in the Spanish National Roadmap for RIs. The Coastal Engineering , Oceanography and Hydraulics Laboratory (GTIMC) performs physical model testing in which phenomena related to the generation and propagation of waves, wave-wave interaction and wave-structure, stability and behaviour of coastal protection structures, breakwaters and marine structures, behaviour of floating structures, operation of valves and hydraulic machine and device testing marine energy generation are studied. The GTIMC is a directional wave basin which is capable of generating simultaneous currents and wind. In addition to the avobe, the laborotory manages a second (smaller) directional wave basin, 3 wave-stream flumes, 1 flume with a variable slope, 1 tank for the study of hypersaline discharges and a construction area for river models. The capacities of the facilities, the experience of the team members and the use of software-numerical modelling and advanced instrumentation, allows basic research on the behaviour of fluids, structures and devices, calibration and validation of all kinds of numerical models and the testing of specific design and optimization of structures and models used in the fluvial and marine environment.
URL http://http://www.ihcantabria.com/en/ihlab-menu/ihlab-hidro
Status Operational since 2011
Scientific Domains Environmental Sciences
RI Categorization Marine & Maritime Engineering Facilities
Location Isabel Torres 15, Santander, 39011, Cantabria, Spain
MERIL URL http://portal.meril.eu/meril/view/facilitys/15296