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Research Infrastructure

Abisko Scientific Research Station

Description Abisko Scientific Research Station is a unique, modern and comprehensive infrastructure situated about 200 km north of the Arctic Circle in Sweden. It has international-standard facilities that support a range of research from observation and monitoring to high-tech experimentation within terrestrial and freshwater environments. The surroundings are characterised by a high variability of topography, geology and climate. The oldest house at the station was built in 1912, and meteorological monitoring and natural science research started in 1913. The station now holds a unique environmental record that extends 100 years back in time, as well as a vast portfolio of research activities totalling some 3,000 scientific publications. The station’s long term records consist of many environmental variables such as climate, snow depth, ice thickness and ice duration on Torneträsk. The monitoring also includes hydrology, water chemistry, flora and fauna, as well as phenology, geomagnetism and atmospheric carbon isotope composition. The studies today range from terrestrial ecology and limnology, via climate change and earth sciences, to space physics.
URL http://www.polar.se/en/abisko
Status Operational since 1912
Scientific Domains Environmental Sciences
RI Categorization Environmental Management Infrastructures
Location Vetenskapens väg 38, Abisko, 98107, Sweden
MERIL URL http://portal.meril.eu/meril/view/facilitys/15309