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Research Infrastructure

Institut Photonique d'Analyse Non-destructive Européen des Matériaux Anciens (Plateau de Saclay) [Ancient Materials Research Platform]

Description IPANEMA is a joint laboratory of the CNRS and the French Ministry of Culture and Communication. IPANEMA is a platform for the development of advanced methodologies of material characterization in archaeology, paleo-environments, paleontology and cultural heritage, and for the support of synchrotron research through external users hosted on the platform. To this end IPANEMA develops and provides a set of techniques to prepare specimens, study artifacts and samples and statistically analyse collected datasets.
URL http://ipanema.cnrs.fr
Status Operational since 2013
Scientific Domains Environmental Sciences
Physical Sciences and Engineering
Social Sciences and Humanities
RI Categorization Research Facilities
Location Orme des Merisiers, Rond-Point de Saint-Aubin, Gif sur Yvette, 91192 cedex, Ile de France, France
MERIL URL http://portal.meril.eu/meril/view/facilitys/15607