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Research Infrastructure

Core Facility Electron Microscopy

Description The FELMI-ZFE operates advanced scientific instrumentation in the field of materials microscopy. The instruments are partly owned by the TU Graz and by the Verein zur Förderung der Elektronenmikroskopie (ZFE). They are fully equipped with x-ray and electron energy-loss spectrometers and other special detectors. Additional instruments for specimen preparation (ultramicrotomy, ion-milling, ...) are available.The instrumentation is used for scientific collaborations and collaborative research with companies. The institute hosts one of the best electron microscopes in Europe - the Austrian Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope (ASTEM), which is used for materials characterization at atomic resolution. The institute is a partner of the ESTEEM2 project of the FP7.
URL http://portal.tugraz.at/portal/page/portal/felmi/p_about
Status Operational since 1951
Scientific Domains Material Sciences and Analytical Facilities
Physical Sciences and Engineering
RI Categorization Micro- and Nanotechnology facilities
Location Steyrergasse 17, Graz, 8010, Austria
MERIL URL http://portal.meril.eu/meril/view/facilitys/14632