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Research Infrastructure

Conrad Observatorium [Conrad Observatory]

Description The Conrad Observatory is a geophysical observatory for monitoring important physical parameters of our planet. It is named after the Austrian geophysicist Victor Conrad (1876 - 1962), who worked for many years at the Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamic (ZAMG) in Vienna. It is located 50km southwest of Vienna, Austria, in a nature reserve on the Trafelberg, at an altitude of just above 1000m. The observatory is almost entirely underground and guarantees, among other things, constant temperature for all applied techniques. With its range of supported measurement techniques, instrumentation and the layout of the underground facilities, the Conrad Observatory represents a unique research and development location for earth scientists of all disciplines. At the Conrad Observatory earthquake activity (seismology), changes in gravity and mass distribution, geomagnetic field variations, geodetic parameters, atmospheric waves and meteorological data are continuously monitored. Observatories are characterized by long term recording in widely stable measurement conditions. In addition to observation, the Conrad observatory provides several piers, socket and drilling holes for instrument development, calibration and research projects. National and international groups are welcome to use observational data as well as instrument facilities for research and development. The Conrad Observatory includes two main facilities: (1) The seismo-gravimetric observatory (SGO) which was opened in 2002. (2) The geomagnetic observatory (GMO) which is under construction expectedly until end of 2013. The GMO will commence operations during 2013.
URL http://www.conrad-observatory.at/cmsjoomla/
Status Operational since 2002
Under construction (1901 - 2013)
Scientific Domains Environmental Sciences
RI Categorization Earth, Ocean, Marine, Freshwater, and Atmosphere Data Centres
Location Trafelberg 1, Muggendorf, 2763, Austria
MERIL URL http://portal.meril.eu/meril/view/facilitys/15191