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Research Infrastructure

CERM-CIRMMP NMR Infrastructure

Description CERM, Centre for Magnetic Resonance, is a scientific institution for research and higher education at the University of Florence. It is also the national laboratory of the Interuniversity Consortium for Magnetic Resonance of MetalloProteins CIRMMP. The CERM/CIRMMP infrastructure provides a unique environment for research in the field of Bio-NMR, with an emphasis on structural biology. The facility is equipped with forefront high field NMR spectrometers for solution state and solid state investigations. Equipment for molecular biology and biological and biophysical characterization are available. CERM-CIRMMP is a core centre of the ESFRI Instruct for integrated structural biology, coordinates the EU funded I3 project Bio-NMR and is a node of the We-NMR electronic infrastructure for computational structural biology. CERM-CIRMMP provides: national access to NMR instrumentation for private and public research institutions; transnational European access to the NMR Infrastructure which is offered in the frame of the ESFRI Instruct (www.structuralbiology.eu/) and through the EC-funded Bio-NMR project; transnational access to non-European users, managed directly by the CERM-CIRMMP infrastructure.
URL http://www.cerm.unifi.it
Status Operational since 1994
Scientific Domains Biological and Medical Sciences
Material Sciences and Analytical Facilities
RI Categorization Research Facilities
Location Via Sacconi 6 Sesto Fiorentino, Florence, 50019, Italy
MERIL URL http://portal.meril.eu/meril/view/facilitys/15548