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Research Infrastructure

Spanish Antarctic Station Gabriel de Castilla

Description This RI is an ICTS (Unique Scientific and Technological Infrastructure), included in the Spanish National Roadmap for RIs. Gabriel de Castilla is an Antarctic Base with all the infrastructures and facilities required for research purposes. It provides to the different researchers all the support for their field work: accommodation, food, health care, communications, movement and transport, and specific support for their research projects. The base is operated only during austral summer, when a Base Commander is posted to the area. In Spain, there is a permanent logistics support structure called 'Oficina de la Campaña Antártica' (OCA) that performs its tasks under the direction of the Ops Division of the Army General Staff.
URL http://www.ejercito.mde.es/unidades/Antartica/antartica/index.html
Status Operational since 1990
Scientific Domains Environmental Sciences
Biological and Medical Sciences
RI Categorization Extreme Conditions Facilities
Location Prim 6, Madrid, 28004, Spain
MERIL URL http://portal.meril.eu/meril/view/facilitys/15508