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Research Infrastructure

Bioenergy and Biomass Laboratory

Description The role of BIOENERGY Research Infrastructure is to build and support sustainable development through research and innovation in the field of Bioenergy/Biomass/Biofuels in the context of knowledge-based economy. The specific aim of BIOENERGY is to provide access to high-level experimental facilities and services, encouraging and facilitating cooperative research. BIOENERGY promotes a climate of research & innovation, entrepreneurship and stimulates cooperation between business and research in order to exploit research results. Through BIOENERGY, specialists from research institutes, academia and SMEs have access to a remarkable endowment corresponding to the multidisciplinary character of research design, specific to working teams, allowing for a holistic approach, from the research phase to technology transfer. BIOENERGY represents real support for Romanian and European researchers aiming to increase scientific performance through national and international competition, because research and development in the area of biofuels, installation and technologies that meet environmental standards are now indispensible. One important attribute of the BIOENERGY Research Infrastructure is represented by the strong interaction between chemists, engineers and physicists which ensures an integrated approach to studying the complex problems related to bioenergy.
URL http://www.icia.ro/bioenergy
Status Under construction since 2012
Scientific Domains Material Sciences and Analytical Facilities
RI Categorization Research Facilities
Location 67 Donath, Cluj-Napoca, 400293, Cluj, Romania
MERIL URL http://portal.meril.eu/meril/view/facilitys/15798