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Research Infrastructure

Research Vessel BIO Hespérides

Description This RI is an ICTS (Unique Scientific and Technological Infrastructure), included in the Spanish National Roadmap for RIs. It is a 82.5 m long multidisciplinary research vessel with polar capacity that belongs to the Spanish Navy and is operated for science by the UTM-CSIC on behalf of the MINECO. At a yearly basis the vessel goes to Antarctica for scientific research and giving support to the Spanish Antarctic Stations (in Livingston Island and Deception Island). It is also used for mapping the economical exclusive zone of the Spanish waters, and to operate the projects approved by the “Plan Nacional de I+D+i” frame. The ship is prepared for research in oceanography, geology, geophysics, hydrography, benthos mapping, etc. It is equipped with state-of-the-art technology which includes a wide range of acoustic instrumentation (multibeam echo sounders, sub-bottom profiler, biological and hydrographic echo sounders, ADCPs, etc.), geophysical equipment (gravity meters, magnetometers, seismic sources, high resolution streamers, etc.), seabed sampling devices (multicorers, dredges, etc.), water column sampling and analysis instruments (CTDs, towed vehicles, plankton recorders, multi-net sampling systems, etc.), fisheries, and a permanent internet link with on-shore facilities. The ship can be easily adapted to use large instrumentation like ROVs or deep towed vehicles.
URL http://www.utm.csic.es/hesperides.asp?switchlang=2
Status Operational since 1990
Being upgraded (2003 - 2004)
Scientific Domains Environmental Sciences
Biological and Medical Sciences
RI Categorization Research Facilities
Location Passeig Marítim de la Barceloneta 37-49, Barcelona, 08003, Catalonia, Spain
MERIL URL http://portal.meril.eu/meril/view/facilitys/15000