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Research Infrastructure


Description RedIRIS, founded in 1988, is the Spanish National Research and Education Network (NREN), which provides advanced connectivity services to more than 400 connected institutions (mainly universities and research centers and research infrastructures). It has approx. 2 million potential users, including 150.000 researchers. RedIRIS has recently deployed its new dark-fibre backbone (RedIRIS-NOVA), covering 12.000 Km, and with more than 50 Points of Presence around the country, including the islands. RedIRIS is connected to the Pan-European Research and Education Network GÉANT, thus ensuring optimal connection with universities and research centers accross the globe. RedIRIS also provides other services (digital identity, mobility, spam filtering, distribution lists, security, multimedia, dissemination, advice and training, etc.). This RI is an ICTS (Unique Scientific and Technological Infrastructure), included in the Spanish National Roadmap for RIs.
URL http://www.rediris.es
Status Operational since 1988
Scientific Domains Environmental Sciences
Biological and Medical Sciences
Material Sciences and Analytical Facilities
Physical Sciences and Engineering
Social Sciences and Humanities
RI Categorization Research Facilities
Location Plaza Manuel Gómez-Moreno, Madrid, 28020, Spain
MERIL URL http://portal.meril.eu/meril/view/facilitys/15389