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Research Infrastructure

European Clinical Research Infrastructure Network

Description The European Clinical Research Infrastructures Network (ECRIN) is a European network dedicated to improving the health of patients and citizens across the world through clinical research. ECRIN is a project on the ESFRI Roadmap of Research Infrastructures (RIs) of pan-European interest. ECRIN is based on the connection of coordinating centres for national networks of clinical research centres and clinical trials units, able to provide support and services to multinational clinical research. Starting 2012, ECRIN runs in parallel two initiatives: (1) the ECRIN-ERIC, a legal entity whose sustainability is supported by Member States, will be in charge of the operations, namely the support to multinational clinical trials selected by the ECRIN Scientific Board. This activity had already started during the previous (ECRIN-PPI, 2008-2011) FP7-funded project; (2) the ECRIN-IA (Integrating Activity) project (2012-2015), funded by the FP7 Infrastructure Unit, in charge of further structuring and expanding the network, particularly through expansion and capacity building, and through the structuring of users’ communities in the field of rare diseases, medical devices and nutrition.
URL http://www.ecrin.org
Status Operational since 1901
Scientific Domains Biological and Medical Sciences
Location 101 rue de Tolbiac, Paris, 75654, France
MERIL URL http://portal.meril.eu/meril/view/facilitys/14653