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The RIs Observatory is the single entry point for information on Research Infrastructures. The National Contact Points for H2020-RI programme gather, organise and provide access to information on RI projects, transnational access opportunities, policy issues, stakeholders, national and regional initiatives on RIs, etc. The information covers all countries and all thematic fields.

Researchers, policy makers and National Contact Points of other H2020 programmes can stay up to date with latest development on RIs, search information based on own interests, discover snapshot-reports, explore RIs per country or thematic field, investigate collaboration networks and map projects and policies across Europe.

The Observatory was initiated under EuroRIs-Net+ project (FP7-283663). It has been further developed and is currently supported by H2020-RICH 646713.

A list with all the on-going projects funded under H2020/FP7 RI to open their research infrastructures to transnational/virtual researchers/users is provided on the RICH website or on Observatory's counterpart page.
Visit RICH website to find the NCP in your country and the services you can get!

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Find out more about Research infrastructures in European and third countries. Select a country, browse and generate a consolidated report on projects, organisations, roadmaps, etc.

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Snapshots of RIs statistics, key participants, indicators per thematic category, etc.
- Browse RI projects & organisations involved by thematic category.